NMEA2000 Library  0.1
Library to handle NMEA 2000 Communication written in C++
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CN2kStreamStreaming Class to handle all Streams generated by the Library
 CtActisenseReaderClass for reading Actisense format messages
 CtN2kAISAtoNReportDataDedicated structure to handle AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Report
 CtN2kCANMsgClass used internally on tNMEA2000 to handle incoming NMEA2000 messages
 CtN2kDD206DD206 - Engine Discrete Warning Status
 CtN2kDD223DD223 - Engine Discrete Warning Status
 CtN2kDD471DD471 - Thruster Motor Events according to PGN 128008
 CtN2kDD475DD475 - Thruster Control Events according to PGN 128006
 CtN2kDD477DD477 - Windlass Monitoring Events according to PGN 128778
 CtN2kDD478DD478 - Windlass Control Events according to PGN 128776
 CtN2kDD483DD483 - Windlass Operating Events according to PGN 128777
 CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerBase handler class for Group Functions
 CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126464Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126464 - "PGN List - Transmit/Receive PGNs group function"
 CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126993Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126993 - "Heartbeat"
 CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126996Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126996 - Product Information
 CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126998Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126998 - "Configuration Information"
 CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN60928Default Group Function Handler for PGN 60928 - "ISO Address Claim"
 CtN2kMeteorlogicalStationDataDedicated structure to handle Data of a meterological station
 CtN2kMsgThis class contains all the data of an NMEA2000 message
 CtN2kSchedulerUn synchronized Scheduler which can roll over
 CtN2kSyncSchedulerSynchronized Scheduler for timed message sending
 CtNMEA2000TNMEA2000 device class definition
 CtNMEA2000::tCANSendFrameStructure holds all the data needed for a valid CAN-Message
 CtNMEA2000::tConfigurationInformationStructure that holds the Configuration Information of this device
 CtNMEA2000::tDeviceThis class represents a N2k device
 CtN2kDeviceList::tInternalDeviceThis class represents an internal device
 CtNMEA2000::tDeviceInformationClass that holds all the device informations and several helper functions to that
 CtNMEA2000::tDeviceInformation::tUnionDeviceInformationUnion that holds the device informations
 CtNMEA2000::tInternalDeviceThis class represents an internal device
 CtNMEA2000::tMsgHandlerMessage handler class
 CtN2kDeviceListHelper class to keep track of all devices on the bus
 CtNMEA2000::tProductInformationStructure that holds all the product information
 CtPriorityRingBuffer< T >Template Class that holds values with given priorities in a ring buffer
 CtPriorityRingBuffer< T >::tPriorityRefStructure handles meta data for each priority
 CtPriorityRingBuffer< T >::tValueSlotStructure that holds the actual value and meta data
 CtRingBuffer< T >Template Class that holds values in a ring buffer
 CtSatelliteInfoDedicated structure to handle GNSS satellite information