NMEA2000 Library
Library to handle NMEA 2000 Communication written in C++
CN2kStream | Streaming Class to handle all Streams generated by the Library |
CtActisenseReader | Class for reading Actisense format messages |
CtN2kAISAtoNReportData | Dedicated structure to handle AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Report |
CtN2kCANMsg | Class used internally on tNMEA2000 to handle incoming NMEA2000 messages |
CtN2kDD206 | DD206 - Engine Discrete Warning Status |
CtN2kDD223 | DD223 - Engine Discrete Warning Status |
CtN2kDD471 | DD471 - Thruster Motor Events according to PGN 128008 |
CtN2kDD475 | DD475 - Thruster Control Events according to PGN 128006 |
CtN2kDD477 | DD477 - Windlass Monitoring Events according to PGN 128778 |
CtN2kDD478 | DD478 - Windlass Control Events according to PGN 128776 |
CtN2kDD483 | DD483 - Windlass Operating Events according to PGN 128777 |
▼CtN2kGroupFunctionHandler | Base handler class for Group Functions |
CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126464 | Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126464 - "PGN List - Transmit/Receive PGNs group function" |
CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126993 | Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126993 - "Heartbeat" |
CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126996 | Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126996 - Product Information |
CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN126998 | Default Group Function Handler for PGN 126998 - "Configuration Information" |
CtN2kGroupFunctionHandlerForPGN60928 | Default Group Function Handler for PGN 60928 - "ISO Address Claim" |
CtN2kMeteorlogicalStationData | Dedicated structure to handle Data of a meterological station |
CtN2kMsg | This class contains all the data of an NMEA2000 message |
CtN2kScheduler | Un synchronized Scheduler which can roll over |
CtN2kSyncScheduler | Synchronized Scheduler for timed message sending |
CtNMEA2000 | TNMEA2000 device class definition |
CtNMEA2000::tCANSendFrame | Structure holds all the data needed for a valid CAN-Message |
CtNMEA2000::tConfigurationInformation | Structure that holds the Configuration Information of this device |
▼CtNMEA2000::tDevice | This class represents a N2k device |
CtN2kDeviceList::tInternalDevice | This class represents an internal device |
CtNMEA2000::tDeviceInformation | Class that holds all the device informations and several helper functions to that |
CtNMEA2000::tDeviceInformation::tUnionDeviceInformation | Union that holds the device informations |
CtNMEA2000::tInternalDevice | This class represents an internal device |
▼CtNMEA2000::tMsgHandler | Message handler class |
CtN2kDeviceList | Helper class to keep track of all devices on the bus |
CtNMEA2000::tProductInformation | Structure that holds all the product information |
CtPriorityRingBuffer< T > | Template Class that holds values with given priorities in a ring buffer |
CtPriorityRingBuffer< T >::tPriorityRef | Structure handles meta data for each priority |
CtPriorityRingBuffer< T >::tValueSlot | Structure that holds the actual value and meta data |
CtRingBuffer< T > | Template Class that holds values in a ring buffer |
CtSatelliteInfo | Dedicated structure to handle GNSS satellite information |