NMEA2000 Library  0.1
Library to handle NMEA 2000 Communication written in C++
src Directory Reference


file  ActisenseReader.cpp [code]
file  ActisenseReader.h [code]
 File contains declaration for tActisenseReader class for reading Actisense format messages from stream.
file  N2kCANMsg.h [code]
 File declares tN2kCANMsg class used internally on tNMEA2000.
file  N2kDef.h [code]
 Type definitions and utility macros used in the NMEA2000 libraries.
file  N2kDeviceList.cpp [code]
file  N2kDeviceList.h [code]
 This File contains a.
file  N2kGroupFunction.cpp [code]
file  N2kGroupFunction.h [code]
 Base and default group function PGN 126208 message handler class.
file  N2kGroupFunctionDefaultHandlers.cpp [code]
file  N2kGroupFunctionDefaultHandlers.h [code]
 The file contains default group function handler classes.
file  N2kMaretron.cpp [code]
file  N2kMaretron.h [code]
 Collection of functions for handling NMEA2000 bus Maretron messages.
file  N2kMessages.cpp [code]
file  N2kMessages.h [code]
 This File contains all SetXXX functions which will be needed to transfer data with a specific PGN.
file  N2kMessagesEnumToStr.h [code]
 This File contains functions to convert enums from N2kMessages.h to const char.
file  N2kMsg.cpp [code]
file  N2kMsg.h [code]
 This File contains the class tN2kMsg and all necessary functions to handle a NMEA2000 Message.
file  N2kStream.cpp [code]
file  N2kStream.h [code]
 This File contains an I/O stream used in the NMEA2000 libraries.
file  N2kTimer.cpp [code]
file  N2kTimer.h [code]
 The file contains function and classes for best timing performance.
file  N2kTypes.h [code]
 This File contains all specific Enumerations to make NMEA2000 Messages easier for humans to read.
file  NMEA2000.cpp [code]
file  NMEA2000.h [code]
 This file contains the class tNMEA2000, which consists the main functionality of the library.
file  NMEA2000_CAN.h [code]
 Automatic library selection according to the selected board.
file  NMEA2000_CompilerDefns.h [code]
 Specific compiler definition to adapt the library to your needs.
file  NMEA2000StdTypes.h [code]
 NMEA2000 standard type definitions.
file  RingBuffer.h [code]
 Simple tRingBuffer and tPriorityRingBuffer template classes.
file  Seasmart.cpp [code]
file  Seasmart.h [code]
 Conversion functions between N2k and Seasmart.