NMEA2000 Library  0.1
Library to handle NMEA 2000 Communication written in C++
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 DeviceAnalyzer.inoNMEA2000 library example. Show devices on NMEA2000 bus by using tN2kDeviceList
 TemperatureMonitor.inoNMEA2000 library example. Send main cabin and water temperatures to the bus
 WindMonitor.inoNMEA2000 library example. Send main wind data to the bus
 ActisenseReader.hFile contains declaration for tActisenseReader class for reading Actisense format messages from stream
 N2kCANMsg.hFile declares tN2kCANMsg class used internally on tNMEA2000
 N2kDef.hType definitions and utility macros used in the NMEA2000 libraries
 N2kDeviceList.hThis File contains a
 N2kGroupFunction.hBase and default group function PGN 126208 message handler class
 N2kGroupFunctionDefaultHandlers.hThe file contains default group function handler classes
 N2kMaretron.hCollection of functions for handling NMEA2000 bus Maretron messages
 N2kMessages.hThis File contains all SetXXX functions which will be needed to transfer data with a specific PGN
 N2kMessagesEnumToStr.hThis File contains functions to convert enums from N2kMessages.h to const char
 N2kMsg.hThis File contains the class tN2kMsg and all necessary functions to handle a NMEA2000 Message
 N2kStream.hThis File contains an I/O stream used in the NMEA2000 libraries
 N2kTimer.hThe file contains function and classes for best timing performance
 N2kTypes.hThis File contains all specific Enumerations to make NMEA2000 Messages easier for humans to read
 NMEA2000.hThis file contains the class tNMEA2000, which consists the main functionality of the library
 NMEA2000_CAN.hAutomatic library selection according to the selected board
 NMEA2000_CompilerDefns.hSpecific compiler definition to adapt the library to your needs
 NMEA2000StdTypes.hNMEA2000 standard type definitions
 RingBuffer.hSimple tRingBuffer and tPriorityRingBuffer template classes
 Seasmart.hConversion functions between N2k and Seasmart